Hi Ashley, I have a little problems about host family. I've been thinking about this for a month. The first one is I have to share room with host sister and she is kind of dirty. She always put her stuff down wherever she wants and sometimes she doesn't flush. I talked about this with my host mom once but she still do it. She also nosy, and talk too much, sometimes I don't have privacy time. She like to say something annoying. I've tried to don't listen to everything she said and don't care but she still call my name and call for attention. And when she didn't get what she wants she will make face and act like mad. She consider only one's. She has to take a pill every morning I think it's for to control herself. I've tried to adapt myself for almost 2 months but I still feel really uncomfortable to stay with her. The second thing is I have a hard time sleeping because sometimes I almost fall asleep and host sister came in and turn on the light. If I wake up sometimes I couldn't go back to sleep. My bed is near my host mom and dad's room I can hear the baby's screaming or crying and host dad snoring. When I'm trying to sleep I also hear the dogs bark like every night and couldn't go to sleep. There is one brother who didn't live here everyday, he comes to live at this house every week and when he comes he always snore. I think our floor is made from wood so every time someone's walking I can hear it and it's kind of bother me. The next thing is there are too many people in my family and I'm frustrate. They always talk and sometimes too loud. Host brother and host sister always have a fight by mouth and sometimes they hit each other. They always use bad words when they are arguing and they argue everyday. I can't stand in those situations it makes me stress. Also one of my host brother is a little bit retarded (my host dad told me) and I think grandma has an alzheimer's disease but they told me that they took her to the doctor and the doctor said there's nothing wrong with her. She can't remember things, she ask where is she right now, she just ate breakfast and she ask where is her breakfast, etc. I've tried to adjust myself to live in a big family but I'm still frustrate and I'm really depress and stressful.