In a continuous flow through test (0.01 mg/l triphenyl phosphate) with Oryzias latipes and an
exposure period of 18 days a bioconcentration factor (BCF) of 144 (whole body) was determined.
As the uptake of triphenyl phosphate in fish increased gradually till day 18 of exposure, it is not
clear whether equilibrium was reached. The biological half-life in fish tissue was reported to be
1.2 h (Sasaki et al., 1982). In a static test with Carassius auratus a BCF of 110 (whole body) was
determined after 72 h of exposure to 0.25 mg/l triphenyl phosphate (Sasaki et al., 1981). Also for
this study it is unclear whether equilibrium was reached. In an insufficiently documented study with
fry of Oncorhynus mykiss (previously Salmo gairdneri), Mayer et al. (1981) found a BCF of 271
(BCF range: 132 – 364).