I know Thai style.
Thai culture about courting is talking too much time to make sure everything till become couple.
It's completely different from Japan, the U.S., and Euro.
We don't wast much time for courting.
After we feel OK, we become couple & continue to study each other as couple : but on the other hand; Thai style is wanting to know everything & making sure everything till becoming couple.
I'm sorry to say that it's kind of stupid culture because courting (taking) too much time is no meaning.
I guess reason is "most Thai men are jaoshuu mark mark, so Thai women must take time & check a lot".
Another reason is "Thai people used to have too much time because they are not so busy for work till 20 years ago, but it's already 21 century & these 10 years Thailand change a lot, so many Thai people are not busy anymore.
Many Thai people are busy for work nowadays, so must change courting style also".
And, I tell u reason why "taking too much time for courting is no meaning".
How many single mother has in Thailand? How many Thai couple is divorced??
So, taking too much time is no meaning.
Even if taking too much time, most Thai men are still jaoshuu, still kee goohok, still kee kong, still mai mee rapichop.
Do u understand???