Wang et al. [50] investigated the effect of temperature on
the treatment of high-strength milk permeate (50–75 g L−1) in an
AMBBR at sub-mesophilic (20–25 ◦C) and mesophilic (35–40 ◦C)
conditions. Considerable amount of sludge was wash-out from the
reactor due to the exfoliation of biofilmfromthe carriers.Maximum
stable OLRs of 5.5 and 9.5 kg COD m−3 d−1 with corresponding HRTs
of 14 and 6.8 d were achieved, respectively, under sub-mesophilic
and mesophilic condition. Moreover, soluble COD removal effi-
ciencies were 92% in sub-mesophilic and 96% in mesophilic while
CH4 yield values almost the same for both temperatures and substrate
utilization rate of mesophilic culture was almost two times
higher than sub-mesophilic. Experimental results from two studies
[25,50] indicates that AMBBR has promising treatment capability
of high-strength dairy wastewater at various organic loading and
temperature ranges.