God Metal (Orichalcon)!"""
The moment I took out the Orichalcon Ingot in Elder Dohar's room, the dwarven blacksmiths who were peeking on the entrance raised surprised voices at once.
"The heck you peeking at, you fools!"
"""We're sorry boss!"""
Elder Dohar drops his clenched fist to the dwarves who are doing seize in a line one by one.
"Sorry for the fuss."
"Please don't worry about it."
While the dwarves are still doing seiza, Elder Dohar went back to the table, and picked up the ingot.
"This is the God Metal (Orichalcon).... Furthermore, it's not a mere God Metal."
Elder Dohar looked at the ingot from various angles.
This is the first time I heard that, I wonder if it has some kind of classification?
"It must have been refined with the power of a quite high order Source. I can feel the blessing of the spirits just by touching it."
It's relatively easy to manufacture them as long as there are Crimson Treasures--Philosopher's Stone alchemy material, but there's no need to put a damper on Elder Dohar and the dwarves' passion, so I keep my silence.
"However, with this kind of God Metal, the usual facility used for mithril won't be enough."
Elder Dohar is looking at the ingot with a stern face.
Alright, this is the right [something like this might happen] timing to take out the Orichalcon hammer and anvil.
"Alright Satou! Come with me!"
Elder Dohar stood up with whamp and then called to me.
Um, Orichalcon hammer and anvil....
"Jojori! Call Driar here! Tell him we're doing the Oblation Strike!"
--Oblation Strike?
Some mysterious words appeared from Elder Dohar's mouth.
"Boss! O-Oblation Strike, that means--"
"That's right! I'm letting Driar to take over. We need to select Jojori's husband."
With Elder Dohar's words, the dwarven blacksmiths starting with Zajir begin to take strange poses to appeal with their muscles.
So Jojori-san really is popular among dwarven men.
"Satou, I said it before, don't you want to become Jojori's husband?"
"I am sorry, but our races are different."
I used the 'different races' excuse which was used by High Elf Aze-san to decline the marriage proposal.
It's a bit unfair, but there are times when it's necessary for an adult.
"--Oh right, yer' not a dwarf huh."
Elder Dohar murmured with a face like a dove that was shot by a peashooter.
Apparently, he completely forgot about my race.
"Can't be helped, I can't hand down my techniques if you can't deliver an heir."
Elder Dohar is thinking hard while his short arms are folded
Then Driar-shi and Jojori-san rushed in.
"Driar! Who's going to be Jojori's husband? Decide it now!"
"H-husband is it, father?"
Driar-shi and Jojori-san were surprised to hear Elder Dohar.
Driar-shi who's composed himself from the shock first asks the perplexed Jojori-san with a soft voice.
"Jojori, whom do you want to be your husband."
Jojori-san who was going to answer faltered.
I feel that she was going to utter Galhar-san's name.
Let's help her out a bit.
"Dohar-sama, do you want Jojori-san's husband for his blacksmithing talent? Or is it for his caliber as a mayor?"
"Neither. As long as he has the strength to take Jojori even after I knock him down, that's good enough."
Truly dwarf-like sense of value.
That kind of point does not suit the dandy Galhar-san.
If I had to say, the frank Zajir-shi suits that more.
For a while, silence rules this place.
"--I can't wait anymore. Let's get some suitable young lad to do a marriage interview for later."
Putting Jojori-san who couldn't answer onto the back burner, the impatient Elder Dohar continued the talk.
"The Oblation Strike is for me, Satou, Driar and Jojori to do--next we need a blacksmith and a magician. The blacksmith is, Zajir, you come."
"Yea! Boss!"
Zajir-shi whose name was called by Elder Dohar pushed his arm toward the sky and joyfully shouted.
The dwarves around him hit Zajir-shi with fists contained with blessings and envies.
Zajir-shi who smiles back to the strikes while covered in blood is scary. Dwarf's blessing is quite violence.
"Next, we need a magician.... It's either of Don or Hahn brothers."
"Father, those two will sulk if you choose either of them."
Driar-shi stopped Elder Dohar's decision.
"We should choose another magician. For the magician assigned to do the Oblation Strike, he not only needs magic, but also arithmetic skill."
"T-then, let's ask Galhar-san. He had just come to the city hall."
Jojori-san pushed with Driar-shi's assist.
"Right. We'll go with that."
I don't know whether Elder Dohar noticed the unnaturalness of the two or not, but he easily accepted.
Zajir-shi grimaced with the reappearance of his rival, but he didn't make an objection to Elder Dohar's decision.