The SPSS 22.0 program (IBM statistics for Windows version 22, IBM Corporation, Armonk, New York, United States) was used to analyze the data. Normal distribution was tested using the ShapiroWilk test and variability coefficients. The data with normal distribution and non-normal distribution were analyzed using parametric methods and non-parametric methods, respectively. Two independent groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test, while multiple groups were compared using the One-Way Anova (Robust Test: Brown-Forsythe) and the Kruskal-Wallis H Test.LSD and GamesHowell tests for post hoc analyzes [Non- parametric post-hoc test (Miller, 1966)]. Ca- tegorical variables were compared using the Pearson Chi-Square test using Monte Carlo simulation technique. Quantitative data was expressed as a mean ± SD (standard deviation), median and range (Maximum-Minimum) values. Categorical values were expressed as numbers (n) and percentages (%). Data was analyzed with a 95% confidence interval and a p value less than 0.05 was accepted as significant.
The SPSS 22.0 program (IBM statistics for Windows version 22, IBM Corporation, Armonk, New York, United States) was used to analyze the data. Normal distribution was tested using the ShapiroWilk test and variability coefficients. The data with normal distribution and non-normal distribution were analyzed using parametric methods and non-parametric methods, respectively. Two independent groups were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test, while multiple groups were compared using the One-Way Anova (Robust Test: Brown-Forsythe) and the Kruskal-Wallis H Test.LSD and GamesHowell tests for post hoc analyzes [Non- parametric post-hoc test (Miller, 1966)]. Ca- tegorical variables were compared using the Pearson Chi-Square test using Monte Carlo simulation technique. Quantitative data was expressed as a mean ± SD (standard deviation), median and range (Maximum-Minimum) values. Categorical values were expressed as numbers (n) and percentages (%). Data was analyzed with a 95% confidence interval and a p value less than 0.05 was accepted as significant.
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