We strive to raise the standards for better working environment which include the worker’s lifestyle. This means a safer place free of health hazards with quality standards. To show our determination and capability to create these standards, we took the points from the MRT. 8001-2546 – which is the regulation from the Thai labor department – and applied it as our policy. Here is our policy regarding the social responsibility and awareness:
1) The company will promote and improve the rights in order for serious adherence to the government policy of worker’s rights MRT. 8001-2546.
2) We will not advertise and promote actions that contradict the MRT. 8001-2546 policy.
3) Regal jewelry will adjust and modify the working environment according to the MRT. 8001-2546 policy.
4) Regal jewelry will educate the labor rights to our workers of every rank. We will develop
principals, responsibility and participation on the MRT. 8001-2546 policy and other related laws. We believe that the policy for society and labor needs to be strictly done, with the managers of the company announcing to all workers of the company, and have a certain involvement in participation according to the regulations with responsibility.