We investigated antioxidants and anti-glycation capacities of
15 Thai herbal teas in comparison with green, black and oolong
tea for the first time. Thai herbal teas generally had lower antiox-
idants and anti-glycation activities than teas of C. sinensis. Stevia
and sappan herbal teas were the exceptions for their primary anti-
oxidants and anti-glycation capacities. Among the properties
tested, metal ion chelating efficiency of mulberry, purple velvet
and false mallow herbal teas were outstanding since it was higher
than that of all teas from C. sinensis. Interrelation among the inves-
tigated parameters indicated that polyphenolics, especially flavo-
noids was a key determinant on the capacities of primary
antioxidants and anti-glycation. The infusions were investigated
by principal component analysis (PCA). Cluster analysis showed
that stevia herbal tea had properties similar to those of black and
green teas, while the properties of sappan herbal tea were catego-
rized in the same group of oolong tea. It can be concluded that Thai
herbal teas could be new dietary sources for bioactive compounds
which play important roles on health benefits.