We have described the most important physiological mechanisms of lipids regulation by P. vulgaris phytochemicals. The evidence provided in this review shows that previous studies have focused mainly in the effect of common beans intake on serum or plasma lipids, binding of bile acids, micelle disruption or fecal sterol excretion. However, as described above, some other mechanisms need to be further explored such as inhibition of pancreatic lipase, lipoprotein lipase and hepatic lipase that aid to diminish intestinal lipids absorption, enhance lipoproteins clearance and decrease the rate of LDL production.
Regulation of appetite and satiety signals by local gut metabolism opens a new field of possibilities for reduction of lipids dietary intake. Valuable findings have shown the promising potential of bean consumption to suppress or reduce food intake, and food craving even when animals have access to highly palatable foods. In this regard, clinical research is needed to complement and validate those effects.
Limited works had tested other mechanisms for serum lipids reduction, such as ApoB lipoproteins clearance or enhancement of LDL receptors synthesis. Yet, less has been studied about specific compounds of the bean seed that exerts their physiological effect on key enzymes that regulate absorption, storage and biosynthesis of lipids. Phenolic compounds from legumes, including phytic acid, catechins and proanthocyanidins may be able to inhibit pancreatic lipase in the intestine and to modulate important lipogenic transcription factors. Well-designed experiments with animal models and clinical trials must be conducted to better understand the role of P. vulgaris on lipids reduction mechanisms to a deeper and finer level.