Chemical Characteristics
Water content of the fresh-cut melon and papaya show in the table 3. In this table, water content of the
fresh-cut melon relatively decreased in ambient temperature condition and stable in the controlled temperature on
the showcase. Water content of fresh-cut papaya was not stable in the first 3-hours because of adaptation with the
new environmental condition, but later, their water content slowly decreased until end of the measurement under
different storage conditions. The data in the Table 3 can be occurred through the transpiration system and interaction
between the environment with the fresh-cut product and can be accelerated when the products were storage at higher
temperature than lower temperature [3]. On the other hand, naturally for fresh-cut product where open area of the
flesh can be accelerated transpiration of the water flow to the environment but lower temperature were protected
them. Furthermore, water content of the fruit is a source for fruit to maintain their freshness and quality [10], and it
can be maintain at lower temperature to keep fresh-cut products still higher water content until several days after.
Based on water content data, we find that shelf-life of fresh-cut melon is 4 days and fresh-cut papaya 3 days.