We tested the proposed pipeline using the mocap data from CMU Motion Capture Library [1], Ohio State University Mocap Lab [2] and ViHASi [25] and shape models from ClipArt of MotionBuilder and from aXYZ-design.com 1. The motion animations are compared with other animation generation methods visually and quantitatively. First, using mocap data from CMU mocap library, we compare our pipeline with other three animation generation methods in terms of visual realisticness and kinematic accuracy. Since we do not have the ground truth about human body motion, it is hard to quantitatively evaluate the visual realisticness using mesh differences. Hence, we take the realisticness as an subjective measurement of how realistic the motion animation looks. The kinematic accuracy indicates the quantitative difference between the ground truth motion (mocap data) and the actual motion underlying the animation sequence. The smaller difference means the better accuracy. The following are three other animation methods using MotionBuilder for the comparison: