3.3 Technology
The convenience based on Internet is mainly according to the technology development,
and which plays a key role during the development of Internet shopping. In the last
decade, organizations have realized that the new technology could impact on Internet
shopping deeply, and thus there are many important technologies like virtual reality
and 3D techniques have adopted to gain big competitive advantages (Clark, 1989).
Information technology has used in the form of the Internet improved better quality of
product information, which help shopper’s decision making (White, 1997). Through
the wide range of surveys about the Internet use, the growth of Internet and the rate of
growth of Internet usage have been rapid increased in the last decade. According to the
BMRB International (2004) and GVU’s WWW 9th User Surveys (1998), the number
of Internet users in Great Britain has increased to 22.7 million among 48.4% of the
adult population, and about 53% of Internet users have reported that shopping is a
primary use of the Web. Moreover, a statistical report on the Internet Development in
China from CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Centre) have released in July
2006. From this report, in the aspect of Internet shopping, there are 30 million users
often shopping online, and near 1/4 Internet users have online shopping experience.
Both surveys shows that more and more Internet users prefer online payment while
they shopping, thus the security of online payment certainly will become a significant
factor to influence the Internet shopping.