What types of learning are best explained by this
Teconstructivist view does not accept the assumption that types of learning can be identified independent
of the content and the context of learning (Bednaretal.,
1991). Constructivists believe that it is impossible to isolate units of information or divide up knowledge domains
according to a hierarchical analysis of relationships.
Although the emphasis on performance and instruction
has proven eff ective in teaching basic skills in relatively
structured knowledge domains, much of what needs
to be learned involves advanced knowledge in ill-structured domains.
Jonassen (1991a) has described three stages of knowledge acquisition
(introductory, advanced, and expert) and argues that constructive learning environments are most eff ective for the stage of advanced knowledge
acquisition, where initial misconceptions and biases acquired during the
introductory stage can be discovered, negotiated, and if necessary, modifi ed and/or removed. Jonassen agrees that introductory knowledge acquisition is better supported by more objectivistic approaches (behavioral
and/or cognitive) but suggests a transition to constructivistic approaches
as learners acquire more knowledge which provides them with the conceptual power needed to deal with complex and ill-structured problems.