Paris is discovered at the end of the 3th century before Christ. The Paris of the 3th century B.C. do we now know as Il de Cite. There were conflicts between the Galliards and the Romans for ages. The conflicts stopped in 52 before Christ when Julius Ceaser took the power over the territory. When the Christianity was introduced in the 2nd century after Christ, the French came to Paris. In 508 after Christ, Cloves I became king of France and made Paris the capital of its country. In the 12th century the building of the Notre Dame in Paris has started and would continue for the next 200 years. In 1253 the Sorbonne university was opened and the Louvre was opened around 1200. The Renaissance gave its positive influence to Paris around 1400; many buildings and monuments that now characterize Paris were built during this period. In the 15th century, the new king, Karel V, built a large wall around Paris to protect the city and to keep the riots within the city.
Later in the 15th century the city was again conquered by the French, mainly because of the well known lady Jeanne d’ Arc. This garrison of the city influenced the city and its inhabitants, which you can recognize in the art and architecture made during this period. When you are interested in the art of the 15th century, you should take a look at de Pont Neuf (bridge over the Seine) and the Jardin du Luxembourg.
Paris was totally Catholic in the 16th century. The protestant leader, Hendrik of Navarra, wanted to convert the city but the Parisians didn’t comply and ten thousands of them died of hunger. The city survived and Paris remained. Only when Hendrik in 1954 converted to a Catholic man he got accepted by the Parisians.