I sociology so today's lesson were you talking about cultural variation various different cultures that society's produce and there's a lot of variation and different cultures sup have your say
I'm excited let's get started now here are terms to know if you noticed talking a lot about things that end in cultures counter-culture we've got subcultures ethnocentrism what you may have heard before and then reversed ethnocentrism so as you see really talk about negative use another cultures the other cultures that society's produce and cultures ecu contrary to the mainstream culture in a particular society let's get started okay so one more looking at culture the one thing that you need to know is that culture changes the proper clothes the proper way you talk I'll words and language technology all this stuff values norms the old change over time there never static they always they're always involving are always changing there are three main components: culture the first is a cultural treat that's basically what heart culture so that could be close language technology certain value certain norms and those are really just for one particular suicide a cultural complex is when you take a lot of those different parts a that's a values norms language and religion and they all combined to turn into something bigger and more grandiose like nationalist yediyat nationalism is a combination of multiple different factors for culture that could be language and technology that values norms when you combine all together you get this nationalistic pro Las go who team kind of thing for your own society and then there's a cultural pattern which is when you take multiple cultural complexes and you say okay this actually happens everywhere so for instance every society has who every society has a language it that's a cultural pattern things that are found in every society our cultural patterns Sep that takes care some other a little chart we're looking at culture sup in cultures part of my cultural pattern great things be fine we also cultural universals which are common features two cultures everywhere doesn't matter where you go every society will have this type a culture
Brent every society has some warm up sport every society has some idea what up family unit looks like every society has an idea about Mert about having a union between two people all cultures have some idea of religion or values almost every society has a value up we need to support one another and just least love the people that were withdrawals for all gonna die out now their purpose is also similar across cultures transfer talk about sports its competition and camaraderie its fitness its entertainment the idea the goals court is a universal because it's everywhere we're gonna be looking at more these cultural universals class sup let's talk about some societal variations so how drastically cancer signs be dipped my hurt me he was an anthropologist wants you learn more about this so the 1930s she goes to how you get which is an island off the coast %uh Australia and it's a very underdeveloped place even still today live tribal
I'm living and she was looking at two different tribes the are a passion and the mom more the air crash were very peaceful people day raise children all together in this big community women were held in very high respect and mundo more were very aggressive people very warlike people they did have a strong sense of community women only raise children and no one else really help women were held in the lower social status and so are we want to say okay the air pressure very peaceful the Mondo more are very were like an aggressive is that because up genetics or is that because up just coach that's because their society produces these things and as she stated Miller and and did some research is what she found that temperaments a beach in the strike the air Ashby peaceful the Monday before being very aggressive resulted more from Hoelscher inherited trait it wasn't based on genetics that one her tribe just more aggressive than the other it's because that society per tooth values and norms that we need a more peaceful or more aggressive than the others now hashers looking at different the cultures and different societies we tend to always try to compare them to our only have this idea a lot by sometimes that the culture that our society produced is superior because it either more complex for because more has more history or they're much money more values attached to it and let me try to pick up are this culture our society produces as appear to another that such ethnocentrism that's why would you do different countries you look at some other the values and norms our technology other places you think mandibular backward their doll they're not like in their barbarians that's it no centrism now the opposite centrism is cultural relativism that basically says that cultures the culture that society's produce should be judged by their own standard