Students were discussing, who can be a murderer.
Teacher Chu Xian said in the one side: „Liang Yu wants to discover the mood of murderer we to understand, but anything must be fastidious about the evidence, we are unable to determine that at present is who has killed Liang Jian, but inferred a result basically, lacking savoir-faire of Liang Jian should not be the human behavior, Liang Jian should by some demon beast attack until death!”
„By some demon beast attack until death?”
Hears the Teacher Chu Xian words, students were startled.
If not the human kills, that Ye Xinghe can definitely elute the suspicion!
The students carefully observed here situation, truly likely was not the human behavior, on the surrounding several big trees that residual vestige of the past, had dozens centimeters depth!
„Why my Liang Jian younger clan cousin big evening will walk is so far, arrived here?” Liang Yu frowns to ask, he is not willingly, Ye Xinghe unexpectedly such quickly on elution suspicion.
„This we are not clear.” Teacher Chu Xian shook the head saying that „waited for Headmaster they to come to do to decide again! This only demon beast most little has the 3rd Heavenly Layer strength, then all people must be careful, perhaps it also will come out to attack our!”
Hears the Teacher Chu Xian words, on a students face revealed a flurried look, experience that after all they have not fought, if had such a demon beast ambush really in the hidden place, momentarily will come out to attack them, that was too fearful!
Ye Xinghe actually frowned, although here has proliferated the trace of wild animal, but Liang Jian, was killed by demon beast really? Why can Liang Jian the greater part of the night appear in the distance battalion in the open area several hundred meters away?
„Everybody should not be extremely startled, although this only demon beast has the 3rd Heavenly Layer above strength, so long as you with the tight teacher, the teachers will protect your!” Teacher Chu Xian comforts the people to say.
When the people still at the discussion, a teacher in a hurry graze to come, before this teacher is a double-hour, was sent to the Headmaster report person.
„Did you such quickly come back? Gave Headmaster the news report?” The Teacher Chu Xian doubts asked that went to Heavenly Star Academy from here, needed several double-hour most quickly!
That teacher cheeks are pale, are bringing alarmed and afraid, said several near the ear of Teacher Chu Xian in a low voice.
Teacher Chu Xian in great surprise, loses the sound track: „What did you say? Didn't the plank that on plank road we go back what person know by tearing down?”
Because this news was too shocking, therefore Teacher Chu Xian did not say on own initiative.
Hears this news, on the faces of all students, revealed the alarmed and afraid color. That plank road is only one leaves the road of place of smelting trial, but the plank on plank road is given to tear down now, that means that they were stranded here thoroughly, is unable to give any message to outside!
Does not know that any demon beast is ambushing the hidden place, prepares to hunt and kill them at any time, but the plank road that goes back did not have thoroughly!
All people cannot help but scared.
Ye Xinghe has also been full of the shock, he and Lin Hong exchange one, in the eye pupil of Lin Hong also reveals an unbelievable color.
Was stranded here, couldn't go back?
Is who does? Does he want to do?
An Xueyun has not thought obviously the situation so will develop unexpectedly, the delicate eyebrows are tightly pressed. Xia Yuning of distant place is also dignified.
Teacher Chu Xian calms down first.