How many hobbies can one person have? As a young man I have plenty but I have three special hobbies. My favorite hobbies consist of basketball, driving, and cooking. These three hobbies I participate in almost every day. Now, this is why I enjoy my hobbies. I like basketball because it’s a sport that keeps me active and helps keep my body toned. Basketball is a sport that can consist of up to ten players but me I like playing by myself because I can just get away from the outside world. I love the way it feels when I’m hitting almost every shot because it lets me know my skills are getting better. Also, basketball gives me time to be free and bond with my friends. Therefore, basketball will remain one of my favorite hobbies. Driving is something I consider to be fun and very exciting. I enjoy riding by myself while listening to some great music. The best time to drive is when it’s sunny outside that way I can let the sunroof back on my car and feel the breeze. Every once in a while my younger brother comes along with me and we ride along the country side looking into the cotton fields. Now I would like to get a nice car so driving can be an every day hobby. Cooking is a hobby, I picked up while always helping my grandmother in the kitchen. When I first started I did not like cooking as much especially when I was the one doing all the dish washing and veggie cutting. However, I started to get better and better until I started to like it. As a result, I can cook for myself and I must say my spaghetti is the best! In fact, cooking is something I do every day. Altogether my hobbies keep me happy. When I am doing these things the thrill makes me want to do them all over again. Even when I am down these specific hobbies pick me right back up. Everyone should have a hobby or even a couple then maybe life would be better. In other words hobbies are for every human on earth because you learn different things that not only make you happy but...