The structures for two, three, four, and six electron pairs are completely regular,
with all bond angles and distances the same. Neither 5- nor 7-coordinate structures can
have uniform angles and distances, because there are no regular polyhedra with these
numbers of vertices. The 5-coordinate molecules have a trigonal bipyramidal structure,
with a central triangular plane of three positions plus two other positions above and
below the center of the plane. The 7-coordinate molecules have a pentagonal bipyrami-
&a1 structure, with a pentagonal plane of five positions and positions above and below
The structures for two, three, four, and six electron pairs are completely regular,with all bond angles and distances the same. Neither 5- nor 7-coordinate structures canhave uniform angles and distances, because there are no regular polyhedra with thesenumbers of vertices. The 5-coordinate molecules have a trigonal bipyramidal structure,with a central triangular plane of three positions plus two other positions above andbelow the center of the plane. The 7-coordinate molecules have a pentagonal bipyrami-&a1 structure, with a pentagonal plane of five positions and positions above and below
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