Modelling the impact of mHealth service quality on satisfaction, continuance and quality of life
Understanding the impact of service quality on economic and social outcomes is critical to extend the focus of IT
service research. This study evaluates the impact of quality on both these dimensions in mHealth using a cross
disciplinary approach. The conceptual model is rooted in the traditional cognition–affective–conation chain but
explicitly incorporates convenience, confidence, cooperation, care and concern as the primary dimensions of
mHealth quality. The model is validated in the context of a business-to-consumer mHealth services using partial
least squares path modelling. The results confirm that service quality has both direct and indirect impact on
continuance intentions (i.e. economic outcome) and quality of life (i.e. social outcome). In this relationship,
satisfaction plays the key mediating role, whereas service quality does not have any moderating effect. Research
implications point to scale and sustain this new healthcare paradigm by linking service quality to satisfaction,
continuance intentions and quality of life