The cement industry is an intensive consumer of natural
raw materials, fuels, energy, and high pollutant emitting
industry. Thus, it is essential to evaluate the sustainable
manufacturing in this industry. This paper has developed a set
of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for sustainable
manufacturing evaluation in cement industries. The initial
KPIs identified and derived from the literature and then
validated to industry practices. Based on the results, three
factors with a total of thirteen indicators are proposed as the
KPIs of sustainable manufacturing evaluation in cement
industries. An evaluation model then developed using
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology. The
hierarchy structure is established based on the proposed KPIs
of sustainable manufacturing evaluation in cement industries.
Then, the importance weights of the KPIs s assigned by
pairwise comparisons and calculated using AHP
methodology. To assess the performance, the KPI is rated
using a scale of 1 (highly poor) to 10 (excellent). Then, the
company’s scores and rank are computed to assess sustainable
manufacturing performance against the KPIs.
A case study was conducted to a cement industry. The
results show the existing performance level on company’s
strengths and weaknesses. It provides suggestions and
directions for companies to take appropriate actions in
improving their sustainable manufacturing performance. The
model aids companies in achieving the higher performance
and so as increasing the competitiveness. Future work will
further incorporate the evaluation model to the development
of sustainable manufacturing evaluation tool for the cement