< Roll-forward inspection - reconciliation review >
For the appropriate sample size (considering the sample size and results of test work performed on the operating effectiveness of the control before the roll-forward period), select periods from during the roll-forward period for which a review of the reconciliation ought to have been performed.
For each period selected inspect the reconciliation and other relevant documentation, and make inquiries of the reviewer as appropriate, to determine whether:
• there is evidence of review.
• the reviewer had the necessary authority, competence and objectivity to perform the review effectively.
• the relevant review criteria were applied consistently and in accordance with the design of the control.
• any queries, outliers or exceptions raised during the review were appropriately addressed.
• all outliers or exceptions that should have been identified were, in fact, identified by the reviewer.
• the review was completed in a reasonable timeframe.
• any adjustments were identified. If so, select adjustments for further testing and:
- make inquiries of the reviewer to obtain an understanding of how the adjustment was addressed and recorded.
- inspect relevant documentation for the adjustment.
- trace the adjustment to the general ledger/ relevant system.
- assess whether the actions taken were appropriate.
For each period selected:
• evaluate the completeness and accuracy of the data used, including examining whether the reconciliation:
- is mathematically accurate.
- agrees to the [relevant systems/ general ledger/ sub-ledger]
- includes only appropriate reconciling items.
- was prepared on a timely basis.
[refer to the 'C&A of information produced by the entity' process where relevant]
• determine whether appropriate segregation of duties occurred in accordance with the design of this control.