Hand dermatitis is one of the most common reasons for
referral to contact dermatitis units, due both to the high
prevalence of hand dermatitis in the general population
(5-10%) and to the importance of this site in the context of
occupational skin disease.1 However, the epidemiological
characteristics of patients with hand dermatitis may vary
significantly from one contact dermatitis unit to another
depending on the type of activity conducted in each unit
and the characteristics of the catchment population. On
the other hand, it would also be of interest to know to what
extent patch testing—the basic examination practiced in
the contact dermatitis unit—influences the final diagnosis
compared to that suggested by the case history or physical
The principal aim of the present study was to describe
the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients
referred to our contact dermatitis unit for dermatitis
mainly affecting the hands. The impact of patch testing
on the final diagnosis was evaluated as a secondary aim