Located on N.C. Highway 170 between Sligo and Shawboro. Present owner, Ambrose Forehand. Note remnant of old porch room at right. Window left intact. Note also nine-paned upper window sashes and six-paned lower, both on first and second floors. Former home of Col. Samuel Ferebee of the Revolution, who was born in 1761 and died in 1845.
UPDATE 2/21/2006 from Anne Jennings: Sadly, the Samuel Ferebee Home is no longer standing. The home can be seen on an aerial photograph taken in 1938. All that remains of the home site today is a grove of trees, one of which now supports a deer stand.
Samuel Ferebee was born 20 June 1761 and was the son of William Ferebee (b. 13 April 1722 - d. 9 July 1783) and Elizabeth Cowper (b. 3 Oct. 1728 - d. 29 Dec. 1794) who were married in 1745. Samuel Ferebee married Sarah Dauge (b. 22 Jan. 1766 - d. 27 Oct. 1801) on 14 Oct. 1787.