The aim of this thesis is to present a novel principle for the 1/f noise reduction technique in
linear analog CMOS IC’s, which is suitable for a continuous signal processing operation
using the device physics-based effect. As well as the novel 1/f noise reduction technique, its
impact on the performance of linear analog CMOS IC’s should be exploited.
The contents of the thesis are organized in the following to fulfil these aims: Chapter 2 is
concerned with noise phenomena, the intrinsic device noise in a MOSFET. First the
mathematical properties of noise are briefly reviewed, which is statistically a random process.
Based on the knowledge of noise properties, a physical origin of four main types of noise
shot noise, thermal noise, generation-recombination noise and 1/f nose- in a MOSFET is
discussed. Subsequently a general noise macro model of a MOSFET and a circuit is
introduced for a detailed noise analysis and simulation. At the end of this chapter, critical
issues in measuring of 1/f noise are discussed and a relevant measurement setup for the
proposed 1/f noise reduction principle in a linear analog CMOS ICs is presented. Chapter 3,
which presents the central idea of this thesis, deals with the proposed principle for the 1/f
noise reduction technique in linear analog CMOS IC’s, which is suitable for a continuous
signal processing operation by using the device physics-based effect : the periodically on-off