3.3. Color preference question results
When consumers were asked to select their three most preferred rose colors from a chart showing 60 different hues and shades, the three most liked color shades were one shade of violet (labeled V5 in Fig. 2), one shade of yellow (labeled Y3) and one shade of red (labeled R3). Of particular note is that not all color categories had the same pattern of preference distribution among their shades. Three distribution types were noted: balanced preference across shades (red and two-tone), skewed to one side of the spectrum (violet and pink) and the last type of distribution exhibited 1–2 highly-liked shades with all other shades performing poorly (yellow–orange and white). Although the segmentation results are not discussed in this paper for the sake of brevity, it is noteworthy that the same pattern of consumer shade tolerance was typically observed in each of the consumer segments demonstrating consistency across subgroups within the population.