The research report titled flood The objective To learn how to fix the problem of flooding
by building embankments Page A study of researchers and research results are consistent with
that flood. The flood method that can help ease the situation as much
as possible. The statistics used to flood each year. Averaged to compare the conclusions of
which were at. The data from sites associated with the flood. Which benefits research This
data was not reliable. And information solutions flooding since 2554-2557
with a way to help alleviate the flood situation is to build dikes, dams Page
to create a diversion Page to empty the system. The well, which in the year 2554 to build dykes Page has approximately
35.58% of the conjugate Page has approximately 27.83% of the dam has approximately 11.99%
to a drainage that has approximately 24.60% in the year. 2555 to build dykes Page
has approximately 29.69% to approximately 30.12% effective diversion Page dam has approximately
22.84% of circulation duties. The good result of 17.35% in 2556 to build dykes Page
has approximately 31.73% to approximately 22.24% effective Page diversion dam. It affects approximately
25.41% of circulation duties. The good result of 20.62% in 2557 to build dykes Page
has approximately 39.78% to approximately 22.21% effective Page diversion dam. It affects approximately
31.48% of drainage systems that have the effect of approximately 14.83%.