Trust, as previously discussed, refers to the
consumer beliefs about certain
characteristics of the supplier (primarily
regarding integrity, benevolence,
competence and predictability) (Gefen et al.,
2003). As described in the literature review,
it shows that there is an effect of trust on
customer loyalty. Lin and Wang (2006) also
proved that trust has a positive effect on
customer loyalty in m-commerce.
Customers who cannot trust an m-vendor
will not be loyal to that m-vendor, even
though they are satisfied with the
product/services provided. When
investigating e-loyalty within an e-services
context, Cyr et al. (2007) showed that
higher levels of trust will result in higher
loyalty towards e-services website. Lastly,
Floh and Treiblmaier (2006) investigated
the importance of antecedents of online
loyalty such as trust, quality of the Web site,
loyalty such as trust, quality of the Web site, quality of the service and overall
satisfaction in the online banking
environment. They found out that trust can
be seen as a major antecedent of customer
loyalty. In light of the above research, the
third hypothesis is proposed as below: