First I want to sincerely apologize for the inconveniences over the past few weeks, and for having to bring in a new team as the only way to move the project forward.
Yesterday it became evident that Chris and Nok could not reform to be better listeners, nor work effectively in a team with my new team. At this point I’ll let Chris and Nok provide us a quote on finalizing designs and webdesign work, which are grade A. However, I’m wary, so we’re exploring other options in case it should come in too high.
It’s the first time in my professional career I’ve come across seemingly friendly and well intended people with both know-how, experience and talent, that somehow are unable to listen, take direction and deliver according to client output needs. With the best intentions I honestly thought we hired a highly capable team with transmedia experience, who would be a perfect fit for your campaign. By agreeing to have them bring in their own teams to solve the project, and letting my original teams go, I made myself even more vulnerable.
I’ll be meeting Oak again today to review new potential team members and resources at our disposal. I’m doing my very best to put together a new team that will fit all your needs, but at this point the most important thing is that you get the best possible product for your show. While Oak is talented, and I believe in his abilities, we’re still working to establish a full team to take care of all the work at hand asap.
Last time you spoke you said you were looking into contingency plans. If you have other teams or individuals that could improve on this project, we’d be very open to changes in the contract that would allow other stakeholders such as JSL or True, or other companies taking over parts of the project. E.g. we could focus more on the creative and have other’s focus more on technical, social media etc.
Also, as much of the conceptual framework is complete, and both creative & production is turning towards Thai language, in order to free up funds, I could even offer to step out of the project, and allow you to hire my teams directly. Although I’m just on half of my anticipated monthly salary, (as I was initially expecting this to be a two day supervising job, and expecting the remaining half to come in from Martial Warrior and my managing the International team), this move could free up resources you could spend towards marketing and SEO and additional Thai staff.
The bottom line is that I’m committed to do anything for you to get the best possible end product. I assure you that we’re doing our very best. I just want to know what are our options are, and what contingency plans you may have in place. At this point we want you to know that we’re flexible and open to anything that can benefit to your project.
I'll send out our proposed timeline and notes from the meeting after discussing with Oak. I'll also let you know how we go on the staffing by the end of the day.
Let’s discuss.