I cleared it and I didn't get anybody for it, is there something else I need to do?
20 days ago by A Wikia contributor Reply
I've never beaten these dungeons but from what I've heard it sounds like it's a chance to get one of them
20 days ago by Kreeper1011
No, you have very rare chance to get Legendary Hero. :(
I finally obtained a legendary hero after tens of trial
20 days ago by Modamoda
I completed this with just Snowman, Green Elf and a then 5* Hanzo, with mostly 3 star weapons. Success rate is really high, crashing is the only thing you should worry about. Usually kills them before the electric ball/ magic blast comes out. In the rare cases where it drags longer than that it's almost a certain loss though. So it is possible to do this run without 6 star heroes and weapons!
January 11 by Voidlime Reply
Yeah... that's because priests and magicians have the worst defense out of the other classes... if you are fast enough to kill them before they get all the buffs (10 seconds or so) you can kill them pretty easily everytime... I guess disarm and gravity are harder to clear
January 11 by A Wikia contributor
Same here! I have hanzo and leon both 6* and the christmas elf. And never anything! It does say at the end when we kill then. Those who doesnt follow die or something.. and it says magic attack.. now im thinking we gotta kill em with a magic attack but i have no heroes that will replace any member of my team
January 8 by A Wikia contributor Reply
I think it was death to those who dont follow, which is an healing skill that is used by every boss... my Robin has a magic block skill, but it doesn't change anything when you win... I guess you just have a hell lot of luck to get a legendary hero :(
January 8 by A Wikia contributor
In black and white I reached level 20 using 6* Robin hood, 5* Leon and 3* elf (Christmas event) with these heroes and 3* weapons I can beat the bosses 7 times out of 10... I defeated them at least 10 times now but I never got any legendary hero... what's your chance of getting them? I spent a lot of jewels for keys but still nothing T.T
January 7 by A Wikia contributor Reply
Yeah whats with the freaking chances of getting legendary heroes? Its absolute bull because you dont even get coins from it it just takes and eats 5 keys every 100 minutes for me.
January 10 by A Wikia contributor
Oh well... yesterday I dropped dorothy and 10 minutes ago I dropped maria... I tried at least 50 times recharging keys with gems I got from leveling up heroes... I, m going to try hard for d'artagnan tomorrow if the disarm dungeon comes out
January 11 by A Wikia contributor
How to defeat final bosses?
January 7 by A Wikia contributor Reply
Based on my experience, you need to organize your party with all 6-star heroes(non-priest classes). Each of them should have 5+ weapon.
Use 3-block chain and advanced skills as much as possible. and defeat them ASAP. After a short amount of time, boses will attack you with huge damage.