-Notes: At this stage, the accomplished title will change the color/hue of normal guardians.
Superior and accomplished share the same color.
Hardest to get, takes time and good calculation skills into play.
Confirmed accomplished build is 16 points total after hatch.
Important Notes:
It is crucial to have the most experience in whatever type you want in order to get the specific guardian. Leaving wanted type empathy is just icing on the cake and is not needed, as long as previous is fulfilled. With the addition of secret empathy bonus points, please keep in mind what type is flashed last when done with identification.
Basic breakdown of the process:
-Start and finish secret empathy process through card id.
-Take note of which stat type hit last when finished. It is where the +2 points will go after hatching.
-Choose which build you want, raise it and hatch.
-Same rules apply for experience accumulated as well as empathy from superior guidelines. <- These will determine which guardian you will receive for an in-game soul seed, or which Spinel type if from Myshop.
Accomplished build, 16 points:
Important Reminders:
-The egg is not yet matured, tread with caution when killing your doppelganger and completing NPC quests.
-Be precise and calculative to the very last drop.
-Grinding is NEVER a supported option to raise one's egg empathy.
Under special circumstances, this is the last by CM" style="background-color: transparent !important; border: none !important; display: inline-block !important; float: none !important; font-style: normal !important; font-variant: normal !important; font-weight: normal !important; font-size: 14px !important; line-height: normal !important; font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif !important; height: auto !important; margin: 0px !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; width: auto !important; text-decoration: underline !important; background-position: initial initial !important; background-repeat: initial initial !important;">resort IF you've planned out your order of method.
-Secret bonus points is only half of the contributing factor to get this title, the other is your egg's build.
Mess either one up and you're done for.
-Do not activate/use crazy drill! It raises all stat types.
Confirmed: If one is unlucky and the +2 lands on wanted major stat, you will not get that specific guardian.
(Ex: 2333 can not = 4444 Sephirens.)
All build methods below will include above phenomenon, but try at your own risk until more valid confirmations arise in the future.
All build methods below MUST complete card id first if you are going the route A. You SHOULD follow my model steps below to minimize complications with empathy experience.
All are presented in the most right to the point when the stats are generated, without excess floating experience to alter your results.
If charm flashed last during card id:
1. Spam HP pots -> 3001
2. View private profiles -> 3002
3. Spam MP pots -> 3312
4. Drill w/ 90DA + squiggles -> 3332
(Do not activate/use crazy drill! It raises all stat types.)
5. Buy 1,250 HP pots, spam 10 flashes in Janus map leaving power empathy and hatch.
If charm flashed last during card id:
Same as non-mage.
If sense flashed last during card id:
1. Spam HP pots -> 3001
2. View private profiles -> 3002
3. Buy pots 1 by 1 -> 3003
4. Spam MP pots -> 3313
5. Drill w/ 90DA + squiggles -> 3323
6. Buy 1,250 HP pots, spam 10 flashes in Janus map leaving power empathy and hatch.
If sense flashed last during card id:
Same as non-mage.
If magic flashed last during card id:
1. Spam HP pots -> 3001
2. View private profiles -> 3002
3. Buy pots 1 by 1 -> 3003
4. Drill w/ 90DA + squiggles -> 3023
5. Spam MP pots -> 3233
6. Buy 1,250 HP pots, spam 10 flashes in Janus map leaving power empathy and hatch.
If magic flashed last during card id:
Same steps as non-mage
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