Playstation Enter the Realm of Virtual Reality
Virtual reality is the latest key technological trend which has seen significant focus and development placed on it. With a few virtual reality hardware sets already available, such as HTC’s offering called the Vive or Oculus’s known as the Rift, tech gaming giant Sony have thrown their hat into the ring with their “Playstation VR”
The Playstation VR is scheduled for release in October of this year and has many benefits over the previous offerings mentioned. For one, at a debut retail price of £349, it is considerably cheaper than the alternatives which start at around the £750 mark. It only requires a Playstation 4 console and the £40 Playstation camera in addition to the VR hardware to be used whereas the current VR technology available required a very high end gaming computer which is usually priced in the thousands, not hundreds.
Unfortunately, there are concessions to be made that come with the cheaper price tag. Although capable of 120 frames per second, Playstation’s VR offering will not be as graphically impressive as the more expensive hardware running off of computers with the latest high-end graphics cards. For the serious gamer who considers gaming more of a lifestyle choice than a part time hobby, the Playstation offering may not satisfy their deepest cravings for full immersion.
But for those more casual participants who want the option to experience being able to physically observe 360 degrees during game play, Playstation’s VR release in October will be much anticipated.
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