Tutor: If you do it by keeping on adding three is it algebra? Or if you add 96
times three is that algebra?
Madena: It depends whether you see algebra in the structure or as something you
do. 10 × 7 + 6 × 7 is algebra depending on what you focus on.
David: If they are adding 96 times three they might just see it like that—it’s not
necessarily algebra—it depends on what they do with what they see
Tutor: So you mean that having structure is not enough. Can you say a bit
David: Algebra is about letters, unknowns, generalising, so for me the nth term
is algebra, but not the 100th term.
Tutor: You are talking about how they express the generality. Would the per-
son who says that you add 96 times three be able to give the 102nd term
or the 99th? This is a test of whether they see the generality?