1. Once you receive the notification of acceptance, please choose between the following methods of payment:
1) Pay through your local bank or Paypal. Account details will be sent to you with the notification of acceptance.
2) Login your account with your email and password and click to pay by your credit card.
2. The calculation of registration fee is according to the piece of manuscript submitted by the author. For instance, if you only have one paper to submit, you will have to pay 400*1=400 USD. However, if you would like to submit three research papers, you will have to pay up to 400*3=1200 USD.
3. If the manuscript is the production of more than one author, and all authors intend to attend the conference, they will have to pay the registration fee separately.
4. The receipt as a proof of payment will be issued at the registration desk on the conference day.
· If the Non-Author Participant requests for a copy of the proceeding, there will be an additional fee of US $50 charge.
· If the registered author is unable to attend, email to the secretariat, so we can allocate your presentation to poster.
No refunds will be issued.