He was either being very honest, or he was a talented actor.
Adam couldn’t tell.
“Has Sam told you anything new about the bombing?” i
McAllister asked.
“I can’t reveal what Sam’s told me. But no, he hasn’t.”
“Maybe he acted alone, I don’t know.”
“What difference would it make today, the day before the
“If I knew that someone else was responsible for the bombs,
for the killings, then I could not allow his execution. I could stop
it, you know.”
“You believe he had help. The FBI agent in charge of the
investigation believes it too. Why don’t you just act on your
beliefs and grant clemency?”
“Because w e’re not certain.”
“So, you just need one word, one name from Sam. It w on’t
happen, Governor. I’ve tried.”
“Who ’s he protecting?”
“I’ve no idea.”
“Is Sam really insane?”
“Our expert says he is. W e’ll do our best to persuade Judge
“I know, but really? You’ve spent hours with him. Does he
know what’s happening?”