Analyze and Establish solution for the problem
From the countermeasure that proposed and the process description, Value Added
Analysis have used to come out with solution. First of all, a brainstorming session was
done among team members. During brainstorming, each process of sales order
processing flow are discussed and evaluated in order to categorize the process to Value
Added (VA), Non Value Added (NVA) and Necessary Non Value Added (NNVA).
Results from brainstorming session, Table 3 are created which each process placed in
respective category and some processes are break into details process. So, in Value
Added Analysis, 13 main processes are break become 17 processes
From Table 3, there have two processes that classified into Non Value Added
(NVA) and three processes are classified into Necessary Non Value Added (NNVA).
Those processes will go through in deep. Firstly, the three NNVA processes is a quite
same process which is discussion process. The team viewed, it will be saving the time if
those three processes are combined together. That mean, only one meeting to discuss
with customer will be held involving the management, production and designer.
Besides, the two NVA processes are supposed to eliminate from the process flow. For
quotation process (process no.4) because there have two process that a same function,
thus, decision are made to focus on one times only which is at process 2. That’s mean,
at the same time of filling the form; quotation will be issued directly to the customers.
Thus, quotation processes no need for two times. For non value added process number
9, which is materials conformation by production also, need to remove from the process
flow. This is because; management itself can conform the materials and order from
supplier. In other side, materials can be already conforming as well as each section
which is management; production and designer is seat together with customers in first
meeting as proposed. Other than that, at the process number 7 which is AutoCAD
drawing, will be provided customer approval form in order to avoid from customer
change the design after fabrication start. If customers have satisfied with the drawing