What I'm here for is getting to know interesting people. Not for language exchange and not even for much cultural exchange. Just personal exchange.
If you have a profile that you took the time creating and that gives an idea of who you are, with a grain of originality, chances are that I'm gonna write you. On the other hand, if you drop me a message with no effort put into it, chances are that I'm not gonna reply.
If you have a sense of humor, any kind, I'm gonna like you very much.
One last thing is that I wish to talk to people with a good English. It doesn't have to be perfect, you just need to be able to show your personality while using English.
I've just realized that based on what I've written so far, I might come off as a total douche. But I promise you, in real life I'm much better at hiding it! :D
If I visit your profile and don't write you it's not necessarily because I find it uninteresting. I prefer to write multiple messages at one sitting, so usually I wait until a number of interesting profiles (or messages) pile up and then write. So if you feel the urge to write me, don't let the fact that I have looked at your profile without saying hi put you off.