1. America is enormous: the third largest country in the world with a population of more than 300 million people.
2. Americans come in all colors, have all types of religions, and speak many languages from all over the world.
3. Americans are extremely independent, individualistic, and like to be different from each other. 4. Americans believe in freedom of choice.
5. Many people, especially teenagers, wear strange clothes, and many have tattoos and body piercings.
6. Americans follow the rule of law.
7. Americans are extremely informal and call most people by their first name or nickname.
8. Americans smile a lot and talk easily to strangers, sharing personal stories.
9. When you meet Americans, be sure to look them in the eye, smile, and shake hands.
10. Some Americans hug a lot. It is okay for women and men to hug even if they are not close friends.
11. American parents speak to their children as adults and teach them how to be responsible for their actions.
12. American parents encourage their children to question and always ask “Why?”
13. If you sneeze and voice replied, "bless you" you should say "thank you" that you will not turn to look at him. Or you could just hear from floating matter.
14. Call / teachers from the surname, such as Mr. Brown or Mrs. / Ms. Brown do not called teachers "teacher"
15. Shake hand should make eye contact.
16. Ask for the bathroom to use the word "restroom" Do not say "toilet.
17. Americans are on time.
18. If you do not tip is considered rude.
19. America is not popular with motorcycle riding.
20. Time to watch movies, the American people will not choose your seat.
21. Americans do not like cash, mostly use the debit card.
The funeral
22. At an American funeral, it is not normal to make loud sad sounds. Americans try to keep strong emotions inside.
23. There is no traditional color or flower that symbolizes death. Any and all flowers can be used at funerals.
24. We do not give money at a funeral. Sometimes, we send flowers or plants to the ceremony.
25. Discriminating against or making any insulting statement about someone else’s religion or ethnicity is against the law and could be punishable as a hate crime.
26. You must be over the age of 21 and you must have an identification card with a photo to buy or drink alcohol.
27. In most states, it is illegal to buy cigarettes if you are under the age of 18 and often you can only smoke in certain places.
The restaurant
28. In a restaurant, the server is usually very friendly and helpful and often will tell you his or her name.
29. When the service is good, tipping is expected to be 15–20% of the bill.
30. Polite Americans eat with one hand while the other one is under the table on their laps.
31. Do not wipe the plate, spoon, fork, in a restaurant, whether luxury or just plain, elegant or because it is considered bad manners. If that not clean will change anymore.