= my homeplace for around 15 years.
And it seems to be near a cave temple. i visited one in the south of thailand, near tamot. i loved it very much to be into the rock in powerplace as i felt it was like this.
And i had a nice story in the temple of phuket town. an old man saw me sitting in the middle of the place. he was one of the poor people they asked for money at the entrance to the temple. he was ill an could nearly not walk except with a lot of pain in his face showed. I didn't knew that the poor people are sitting on the floor to show that the need some money. So he was walking to me and gave to me out of his pocket 100 bath. He smiled like the sun was shining in his face without clouds on a clear sky. then he went back to his place. i was so touched and didn't understand whats happen now that i started to cry of the feeling that i over rolled me as a big water would flow in me. then for women were standing around me and talking together. It looked like they would speaking about what to do with me. They were standing there. Nothing could make them move away. Even not, i tried to explain them that i am okay and only touched by heart in case this poor man gave to me - the riche one - money out of his pocket with a bright face and lightness eyes. So they asked the daughter of one of them to come and translate. she explained me the thing with the poor people on the floor and that the women meant i lost all may money during my stay here in phuket and she were finding out how the could get the money collect to help me to get back to europa. she was teaching me how i could give the money on the collecting box in the temple for the monks. I did it. As i turned me around to go out i was realizing that i had my shoes on - the only one! I apologized of myself and she was friendly smile on me with the words: «Mai pen rai - you are a teacher how is learning in every situation, i can see that. So now you learned something from me about the temple. There ist no needs for stress because you are learning as i do. And I can also learning form you. Let's go to the poor man and ask him why he gave the money to you. Then i will learn something form and about you.» We did it. The old poor an ill man explained to the young lady that was teaching me in thai language he would to be blessed for new year but he has not enough money to pay a monk for that. So he thought i would bless him in my way. The young lady was asking to him why he men i could do that? Before he could answer the leader of the temple or an higher monk was arriving and it seemed that he was observing what have gone on. He saw into the eyes of both of them and told, you, young lady can learn form this old man that this man here has an energy power as i know that form the monks here they lead others. Even he is not a buddhist, i can see that. but he lives this energy the old man realized how it is. then he turned his face to me and said during he bow himself with is face showing to the ground an his hands folded and hold up hin his face, please give your own blessing to him and so we are all blessed as well by you. I set me down on the earth next to the poor man and hold his body around with my left arm and stroke his check with my right hand during i was looking in his eyes. No he was starting to cry too and both of us had tears in our faces. Then i stud up and the monk told to me: my friend you are always welcome her to visit our temple and to bless people. I do neither know who you are nor were you come from but i can feel your energy and that tell to me you are my brother in a spiritual way. I gave all the poor people there a piece of my swiss money. That was around the value of 200 thai bath for each of them. One of them would not get it and asked me for giving bath. the monk told to him in thai with translating to me in english, i should better get this gift out of my culture in case it is given by heart and the value is more then he has now in his bowl. he should better learn form the others that other cultures can live the buddhist lifestyle as well without being a buddhist. there will be no difference between this both in case it comes out of the same holy energy. I said good bye and stood on the street as a dreamer. so i went back to my guest house near the centre of phuket where the mail hall and the small busses station is. On this way a monk called me to come to him, he blessed me with singing and sprinkled water on me with a thing that looks like a small broom and made a colorful ribbon at my wrist. He asked for 50 bath. In this moment i was checking out that the old man would had enough money to get the blessing for the monk if he would finde one as i found who do it for less than more :-).
I hope it's not too much to tell this story out of my life in thailand. I was the start of for weeks full of things like this. I began to wrote it down and stopped after the 7th day in case i was writing up to then more then 60 pages. I decided to life the time here and to have enough time to write when i will be back. This was my first day after arrival in thailand. and it was like this further on. I felt comfortable and as i would lived here before on a time. So my thai sister and brother in tamot - they wrote me yesterday to feel very happy to live at their place as long as i want to in case they feel i am a member of family - nice, not? - told me in that days i would live with them as i would be used to the thai lifestyle in many things. so they were in a big trouble as i wanted to make a walk of my own and told to anyone that i would go into the forrest nearby to meditate and singing. It was a big story for them and the were searching me and get in fear something is wrong. I learned in that, that thais tell each other when they go out of the home place otherwise it will show to the rest of the family something is going bad or the are big, big problems. I tell it to you with a smile on my face. It made me pleasure to learn more and more about this lifestyle that is closed to me and not used or sometimes a bit strange as well. :-))) So i need a good teacher in that. Perhaps you want teach me…we will see. I am open to learn, and to teach too. hahaha!
love, rené :-)
= my homeplace for around 15 years.
And it seems to be near a cave temple. i visited one in the south of thailand, near tamot. i loved it very much to be into the rock in powerplace as i felt it was like this.
And i had a nice story in the temple of phuket town. an old man saw me sitting in the middle of the place. he was one of the poor people they asked for money at the entrance to the temple. he was ill an could nearly not walk except with a lot of pain in his face showed. I didn't knew that the poor people are sitting on the floor to show that the need some money. So he was walking to me and gave to me out of his pocket 100 bath. He smiled like the sun was shining in his face without clouds on a clear sky. then he went back to his place. i was so touched and didn't understand whats happen now that i started to cry of the feeling that i over rolled me as a big water would flow in me. then for women were standing around me and talking together. It looked like they would speaking about what to do with me. They were standing there. Nothing could make them move away. Even not, i tried to explain them that i am okay and only touched by heart in case this poor man gave to me - the riche one - money out of his pocket with a bright face and lightness eyes. So they asked the daughter of one of them to come and translate. she explained me the thing with the poor people on the floor and that the women meant i lost all may money during my stay here in phuket and she were finding out how the could get the money collect to help me to get back to europa. she was teaching me how i could give the money on the collecting box in the temple for the monks. I did it. As i turned me around to go out i was realizing that i had my shoes on - the only one! I apologized of myself and she was friendly smile on me with the words: «Mai pen rai - you are a teacher how is learning in every situation, i can see that. So now you learned something from me about the temple. There ist no needs for stress because you are learning as i do. And I can also learning form you. Let's go to the poor man and ask him why he gave the money to you. Then i will learn something form and about you.» We did it. The old poor an ill man explained to the young lady that was teaching me in thai language he would to be blessed for new year but he has not enough money to pay a monk for that. So he thought i would bless him in my way. The young lady was asking to him why he men i could do that? Before he could answer the leader of the temple or an higher monk was arriving and it seemed that he was observing what have gone on. He saw into the eyes of both of them and told, you, young lady can learn form this old man that this man here has an energy power as i know that form the monks here they lead others. Even he is not a buddhist, i can see that. but he lives this energy the old man realized how it is. then he turned his face to me and said during he bow himself with is face showing to the ground an his hands folded and hold up hin his face, please give your own blessing to him and so we are all blessed as well by you. I set me down on the earth next to the poor man and hold his body around with my left arm and stroke his check with my right hand during i was looking in his eyes. No he was starting to cry too and both of us had tears in our faces. Then i stud up and the monk told to me: my friend you are always welcome her to visit our temple and to bless people. I do neither know who you are nor were you come from but i can feel your energy and that tell to me you are my brother in a spiritual way. I gave all the poor people there a piece of my swiss money. That was around the value of 200 thai bath for each of them. One of them would not get it and asked me for giving bath. the monk told to him in thai with translating to me in english, i should better get this gift out of my culture in case it is given by heart and the value is more then he has now in his bowl. he should better learn form the others that other cultures can live the buddhist lifestyle as well without being a buddhist. there will be no difference between this both in case it comes out of the same holy energy. I said good bye and stood on the street as a dreamer. so i went back to my guest house near the centre of phuket where the mail hall and the small busses station is. On this way a monk called me to come to him, he blessed me with singing and sprinkled water on me with a thing that looks like a small broom and made a colorful ribbon at my wrist. He asked for 50 bath. In this moment i was checking out that the old man would had enough money to get the blessing for the monk if he would finde one as i found who do it for less than more :-).
I hope it's not too much to tell this story out of my life in thailand. I was the start of for weeks full of things like this. I began to wrote it down and stopped after the 7th day in case i was writing up to then more then 60 pages. I decided to life the time here and to have enough time to write when i will be back. This was my first day after arrival in thailand. and it was like this further on. I felt comfortable and as i would lived here before on a time. So my thai sister and brother in tamot - they wrote me yesterday to feel very happy to live at their place as long as i want to in case they feel i am a member of family - nice, not? - told me in that days i would live with them as i would be used to the thai lifestyle in many things. so they were in a big trouble as i wanted to make a walk of my own and told to anyone that i would go into the forrest nearby to meditate and singing. It was a big story for them and the were searching me and get in fear something is wrong. I learned in that, that thais tell each other when they go out of the home place otherwise it will show to the rest of the family something is going bad or the are big, big problems. I tell it to you with a smile on my face. It made me pleasure to learn more and more about this lifestyle that is closed to me and not used or sometimes a bit strange as well. :-))) So i need a good teacher in that. Perhaps you want teach me…we will see. I am open to learn, and to teach too. hahaha!
love, rené :-)
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