The evaluation was performed in a set of simulated tests. The simulations mainly consist of road scenarios where different mu-lambda characteristics and dynamic torque demands may occur. The ARTE module is integrated in MFC to update the reference model, in SRC as the reference optimal slip ratio source and in MTTE to update the relaxation factor. The main mechanism behind why ARTE helps improving the TCS performance is that it reduces the uncertainty sources or narrows down the uncertainty bounds in the systems. The performance criteria measured on all TCS structures with ARTE module is given in Table III and Figure 14 –16. As it can be seen from the table and the figures, the slip ratio is reduced to a level very close to zero especially when MTTE is integrated with ARTE. It was also observed that although ARTE helped MFC system to have a less angular velocity difference between the model and the real vehicle the slip ratio did not reflect any further improvement. The SRC system also benefited from ARTE however the average torque values were still high compared to MTTE. As a result, it can be concluded that MTTE with ARTE is the best TCS structure of all since the slip ratio has reduced dramatically without increasing the torque correction effort.