Common issues in implementing Centres of Expertise
Overall issue Key elements
Who owns the client?
CofE feel they were brought in too late so can’t influence the work
CofE complain they can’t work with the client and are isolated from the business
CofE feel they aren’t fully utilised
CofE feel they don’t see project through to completion so lack satisfaction
When the issue is OD, talent, L&D HRBPs often feel they have as much expertise
Overall issue Key elements
One size fits all
CofE push programmes rather than listen to the need,they become solutions looking for p
CofE produce overly academic theoretical vs practical implementable solutions
CofE take their mandate for granted and fail to monitor their service levels
CofE lack the capacity to meet all the needs
Overall issue Key elements
Tension between HRBPs aligned to business/geographyvs CofE aligned to enterprise bec
HRBPs “go native” and recreate CofE expertise locally
Everyone agrees on the need for common standards but HRBPs won’t implement them lo
HRBPs adopt a ‘not invented here’ approach focusing on differences vs commonalities
CofE have higher grades so feel they can dictate toHRBPs
CofE people act as internal consultants, not knowing the business or taking responsibility