1. I have difficulty imitating someone else's behavior.
2. In a social gathering, I don't try to talk or behave in a way that will please others.
3. I can't defend ideas unless I really believe in them.
4. I can easily talk about a subject that I know little about.
5. I assume that I can pretend just for the sake of impressing others.
6. I'd probably be a good actor.
7. It's rare for me to deliberately attempt to attract attention in a group.
8. I often behave differently according to the people or circumstances involved.
9. I don't always comply when others want me to like certain people.
10. I am not always the person I'd like to be. __________
11. I would not change my character to please or be accepted by others. __________
12. I have been told that I could be an actor. __________
13. I was never good at theatrical improvisation. __________
14. I have difficulty modifying my behavior in adapting to other people or situations. __________
15. In social gatherings, I normally leave it to others to tell jokes. __________
16. When meeting others, often I don't create an accurate impression. __________
17. I can easily lie to anybody without people knowing it. __________
18. I have pretended to like someone I could not stand. __________