Questions and Responses from Nurses
What is your relation to Jessica?
You'll have to come back during visiting hours.
Ms Lee is too tired for visitors.
Room 7 is down the hall to your right.
I'll give you two some privacy now.
Does your daughter need anything?
I'm afraid she's not having a very good day today.
We do the best we can around here.
There's a quiet room for families down the hall.
The doctor would like to have a word with you. (The doctor wants to speak to you.)
She's doing much better this morning.
He's in isolation because of the transplant.
We had to transfer your mother-in-law to the ICU.
It's in your brother's best interest.
Sample Conversation
Nurse: I'm afraid visiting hours are over, sir
Visitor: My wife's in room 3B.
Nurse: Sorry, you'll have to come back in the morning.
Visitor: And leave her all alone overnight?
Nurse: I'm afraid that's the policy, sir.
Visitor: Surely you can make an exception? What if she needs me in the night?
Nurse: Don't worry, we'll look after her. What she really needs is her rest.
Visitor: Some of her friends want to see her too. When can they come?
Nurse: Visiting hours are from 9 to 11 in the morning and 4 to 7 in the evening, but I'm afraid while your wife is on bedrest the doctor has requested that only immediate family members come in to see her.
Visitor: Can't her friends even stop by to bring her flowers?
Nurse: Flowers are not permitted in this ward. We just can't risk any germs that might come in with them.
Visitor: Well, I guess it's all in her best interest.
Nurse: Thanks for understanding. Now, I'm going to bring your wife her dinner. Why don't you head home and get something to eat yourself?
Visitor: Okay. I really hate to leave her, but that's probably a good idea.
Nurse: She's in good hands here. I'll tell her you were here and that you'll see her in the morning.