You may think that why do we need a new graph as we already have access to input matrix. Note that the matrix MATRIX used to help the hypothetical function HaveAcquaintance(A, B), but never accessed via usual notation MATRIX[i, j]. We have access to the input only through the function HaveAcquiantance(A, B). Matrix is just a way to code the solution. We can assume the cost of hypothetical function as O(1).
If still not clear, assume that the function HaveAcquiantance accessing information stored in a set of linked lists arranged in levels. List node will have next and nextLevel pointers. Every level will have N nodes i.e. an N element list, next points to next node in the current level list and the nextLevel pointer in last node of every list will point to head of next level list. For example the linked list representation of above matrix looks like,