There is much out there about auction timing. Try hard to have your auctions listed (and therefore they will end) in Prime Time (9-11 pm Eastern through 6-8pm Pacific). To have items ending outside of those times is costing you bids and higher sales prices. The closing moments of your auction are when your item listing "bubbles up" to the top of more eBay searches, even searches not directly related to the item you have up for bid. So, try to avoid having your auctions ending while the majority of your potential customers are sleeping or are at work. As discussed earlier -- there is little competition when an items ends in the wee hours of the morning.
27. College education or not -- use a simple rule everyone knows -- the KISS rule (Keep it simple stupid) Use simple words that everyone knows. One rule I learned in journalism career is to write at an 8th grade level if you want to be understood by America...Strangely, it works.
28. Shop Ebay stores when you visit auctions to find additional bargains and get combined shipping. Look for stores with Best Offers and name your own price too! If you would like to know what kind of a break you would get if you buy a number of items, -- email the seller for more information.
29. Keep up on security matters -- PLEASE don't be a victim! It is MUCH MORE than an inconvenience!
30. Today's customer is tomorrow's seller. Take opportunities to "pay it forward" and help new people in the ebay community. We are a welcoming and fun community made up of (mostly) great folks. Good always comes from helping.
31. Have is a great new world out there with so much to learn. It will keep you sharp while keeping you connected with those things and people that interest you.
Thank you and please don’t forget to rate this guide as YES, if it was helpful. Lastly if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.