The brushless EC-motor is the reason for
the maintenance-free operation, eliminating
wear-and-tear parts. It also achieves
a high motor dynamics and is capable of
reaching the necessary high peak-torque
required for fastener tightening.
The DEPRAG screwdrivers based on ECtechnology
enable a torque accuracy of
< 1% standard deviation, which can be
relied upon after millions of cycles. Thus, a
Cmk value of ≥1.67 with a tolerance requirement
of ±5% in reference to 6 Sigma is
reached. A Cmk value of 1.67 means that
the error rate is less than 0.6 per one million
screw assemblies.
To operate the screwdriver spindle, a
sequence controller AST30 with integrated
power supply, a motor cable and a
measuring cable is necessary. The cables
are available in different lengths.
Comprehensive software addition modules
enable data registration and graph display
for statistic evaluation and screw joint
Position dependent programme selection,
monitoring of the screw sequence and
further functions for increased processing
reliability are realisable in combination with
a position control stand.