The deadline for submissions to the final round of the Google Cloud Developer Challenge, Midnight Pacific Time on the 5th of January 2014, is about a week away.
It is time to start crossing the "Ts" and dotting the "Is".
The link to the form for submissions to the final round of the Google Cloud Developer Challenge is below;
To avoid any mishaps, as much as possible please ensure that you submit long before then.
As you continue with polishing up your app, it would be great if you bear the following in mind:
You will be re-submitting the publicly accessible URL to your app. The URL will still be same as that submitted in the first round. The URL format still remains : https://gcdc2013-.appspot.com . Bear in mind that the judges will be logging into your app using a demo Google account. When describing your app please state clearly;
What your app does.
How to use your app. The description should include brief instructions on how to navigate the app.
What technologies you used: Programming Languages, Google APIs etc.
You have the option of including in your description a link to a YouTube Video that describes how your app works in less than 2 mins. This video should have #gcdc in the title.
Note that it should be possible for the judge to quickly verify that your apps does everything you claim that it does in your description.
Lastly: Please bear in mind the competition criteria. In particular the judges will be looking for locally relevant, easy-to-use apps with outstanding and professional look-and-feel.
First Round Prizes: Our prizes fulfillment team will start shipping prizes after the holidays. Also bear in mind that depending on your location (i.e. your team's address) it might take a while for you to receive your device at the location you specified when submitting for the first round.
As usual, we wish you all the best!
Google Team