1. a garbage dump
nobody want a zip near or her home. first of all, they usually do not smell very pleasant. if the wind is form their direction, you may get that smell at home. and zips often attract lots of insects, such as flies and mosquitoes, as well as animals such as rata and mice. a nearby zip may also mean you will have noisy trucks on your street all day. finally, the most serious problem with zips is that they may pollute the drinking water. this does not always happen, but sometimes the garbage has dangerous chemicals in it. then when it rains, the chemicals enter the water
underground and make it unsafe to drink.
2. a fish farm.
When people think about sources of water pollution,
they do not usually think of zaps. However, as the demand grows for fish to eat, the number of zaps is increasing. In some areas, they are beginning to create environmental problems. In fact, when fish are in their natural environment, they do not pollute, but in zaps, the situation is not natural. There are usually lots of fish in very little water, which means that the water must be changed very often. Each time it is changed, the dirty water must be thrown away. It is usually poured directly from the zaps into a river or ocean. The chemical balance of the river or coastline is changed by this dirty water, and the plants and animals living there may suffer.
3. recycle.
In the United States and in many European countries,
there is a serious problem. What should be done with
the garbage? There is no more room for garbage dumps. It is not possible to burn garbage, because that pollutes the air, so the governments are looking to ways to reduce the amount of garbage that is produced. One way to do this is to zep as much as possible. Not all kinds of garbage can be zepped, of course. The easiest things to zep are probably glass and paper. However, one can also zep many kinds of metal and plastic. Many cities now require people to zep these materials. The people must separate them from the regular garbage. Then special trucks take them away and bring them to private companies that will buy them and use them again.