Once you’ve chosen your container, follow these simple steps:
1. Fill your container / bag with four to six inches of good quality compost.
2. Place your tubers onto the top of the compost, so the sprouts (if chitted), or eyes are pointing upwards. Space them sparingly - for a twelve inch diameter container, only use a maximum of three tubers. For a fourteen inch diameter container use about four tubers, and so on.
3. Cover the tubers with another four to five inches of compost, and water sparingly. From here on, keep the soil continuously moist but never wet.
4. If you are using a flexible bag as a container, it would be a good idea to roll down the sides, to help the sunlight reach the plant foliage as they grow.
5. As the plants appear and grow taller, continue "earthing up" by adding more soil so that only the top inch or so of the plant is peeking through the soil. The new potatoes will form in an upwards and outward direction from the original planted seed potato, so continue "earthing up" until you reach about 1.5ft(18in) to 2ft(24in) of soil depth.