Three mainstream segments represent 35 percent of European car owners. The Social climber Segment, consisting of upper middle class and middle class car owners, aims for the lifestyle of the European "elite," is consumption-oriented, and leans toward sporty cars. They represent 9 percent of car owners and are identified with BMW and Volkswagen's Audi. The Conventional Modern/Progressive Modern Mainstream Segment consists of younger, middle middle class car owners who are mostly well educated with above average incomes, and bridges the modern and postmodern value orientation. They tend to spend more on cars and are open to considering new or "other brands," including major Japanese brands, notably Toyota and Nissan, and Hyundu and Kia, two major Korean brands. These combined segments represent 18 percent of car owners. The Counter culture Segment prefers to escape routine and values a sense of community. This segment spans the lower class to middle middle class of car owners and buys larger European used, not new, cars. Eight percent of car owners fall into this segment.