Quality of life of slum
"State Building, or residential areas. Consisting of dilapidated old buildings damaged. There is a dirty, untidy. Against a crowded public hygiene. Relatively minor It may not be the family as normal human beings. As a fail-safe in the hygiene and sanitation. "
Reasons for the occurrence of slum
Emigration to City
The housing shortage
Characteristics of slums
Densely planted with houses
The population living in overcrowded.
Residential areas unhygienic.
Dilapidated dwellings
Residents a variety of occupations.
Problems in the slums
Health problems
The insecurity of residents.
Moral issues
Characteristics of people in the slums
Career and Money => Job insecurity income.
- Living condition => unhygienic crowded insecurity.
- Social services => lack of social services.
Occupational therapist roles
The Environment Suitable for living activities.
Promotional activities in their daily lives.
Promote participation in the community. By doing activities that benefit the community and themselves.
Make customers feel that they have value, meaning the goal and happy, which will affect the quality of life.